In fact, I can hardly believe in the existence of such an "ideal type MG. I do not really buy the fact that mature and emotionally stable person can be genuinely frightened at the session or shrug to tears. Sam from the perspective of the player so I do not have high expectations in relation to the lecturer. As for me, at the session need not be artificial blood and do not know what props to the players had fun. This is not for me an essential element of fun in the role-playing games.
In my very subjective feeling, there are several elements mistrzowania iron, so that I can say - "OK, the session was successful." As I said at the beginning, these qualities of a good GM does not have much in common with a bit for my taste przejaskrawionym imagination from the beginning of the post. For me it is reasonably certain calculation (as much as I stress again, subjective character), a set of my humble wish to decide on whether to deem the session to be cool.
First: Thou shalt not bore the player of his realism.
do not like to play aspiring to be 100% restoration of reality. For me, the reality of the world where the player is playing should primarily be consistent, not mimetic. If we arrange the convention to take care of her consistency - and so much. If an idea is interesting and fulfills its role in the adoption of the concept of the game while being completely wyssanym the finger and unrealistic - very good! In my humble mind the realism of the session in the form of thorough processing of the mechanics of "how it really was" not helpful. Save for one - the maximum complexity of game rules and a slowdown shares on the session. Of course, GM should be more or less attuned to the realities of the era that mimics the setting, so do not make any glaring factual errors. The key here is to take note that most of the worlds RPG goes a historical epoch, as if he dresses up in her costume. With a few exceptions (the Wilderness), role-playing games do not aspire to play with reverence mentality, religion, economy, military, cultural realities in which it is embedded game.
Take the example of the stereotypical Neverland fantasy. An association with which the epoch we are arises? Of course - the Middle Ages. But whether the game world is constructed so as to reproduce the reality of the European Middle Ages? No! People think some heuristics, associations, stereotypes. And what an average player RPG is associated with the Middle Ages? Filth, stench, poverty, backwardness, religious fanaticism, epic knights, warriors shackled from head to toe in sheets. I'm not talking about that, as defenders cried and aficionados of historical truth of the Middle Ages such a picture is false. Of course, such an idea is not true, but valid. Has certain emotions and associations. Therefore, Marsellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction, said the shotgun to postrzelonego Zed - "just come here my niggas with burners acetylenowymi and do you go medieval on the ass."
why insist on the zażartością admirable for a detailed mapping of the session, weapons and rules for its operation is a failure for me. Just like playing with MG for which the convention is the biggest problem is "how much could cost gambison the chain mail in the game world, taking into account that the times of Casimir the Great ..." Mercy.
Secondly, engineering and testing
ideal approach to the mechanics of it is for me the real use of the session. This means roughly that the teacher uses the mechanics, not only during combat. I do not like bezkostkowego approach, where the game loses any rules and principles in favor of subjective judgments MG. Once someone has created the mechanics to make the game easier and easier to introduce the convention. I do not think turlania at every opportunity, even in moments where, according to convention, you can decide whether something will come or not. Likewise, I'm not a fan of overly complicated mechanic. This is simply a healthy attitude and relationship principles - the story.
Furthermore, I believe that the vast majority of the tests made by the player at the session should be open. Clear, transparent rules according to which I know if something comes up or not. Excessive "play poker" in my opinion a very antagonized relations Game Master - The players and did not build the aura of mystery is in session. Rather irritates me a situation where hundreds of rolls does not know why, but we are aware that GM is free to cheat, and manipulate test results.
Thirdly: Think of a player as he would like to be treated
MG, in whom is happy playing on the bed hung a sign reading, "I was born to make u happy." Although not torments session players on Britney Spears songs, but it applies to the currency. MG is a guy who has to make the players had fun. He takes on Klata responsibility for a successful Friday night.
To live up to tasks must therefore be primarily equitable. Devote adequate time to each player at the session. MG can not therefore better to treat the most wygadanego player, or his girlfriend. Facilitator should also pay attention to what is to keep the team together. Complete pathology is transformed into a session with these or other reasons, one actor theater. Moving resentments from real life to play well, and vice versa does not serve anything good.
Sure sometimes the structure of the script forces the lead of a thread 1 to 1 It's just that such situations This should be the absolute exception, played outside the session as an example of the introduction of individual characters in the game. Unacceptable is recovering from a player during a session to another room and running to him by a half hours of personal thread. Similarly, I can not imagine a player of a duel with a very bad NPCs for half the session, while the rest of the team falls asleep from boredom. However, this role-playing a parlor game. Good MG remembers.
Fourth: GM does not know the words do not
This is not my invention. So says John Wick in one of the clips on your official You Tube channel. Difficult for him to refuse because of this issue. With this concise statement hides a few things. MG does not restrict the form of saying "no" to the contrary, he says, "so you can do it, but ...." I just - "... but you get a high enough score on the dice roll," but it will have such and such consequences. " For me, it is of fundamental importance because it emphasizes the role of GM in non-antagonistic role-playing games. Taking turns up the game, but we shall not dictate Fri "I'll teach you to play REAL RPG." Calmly explain the rules and gives the greatest room to maneuver the characters players.
Fifth: Remember - too much harm .
I do not like the narrative and the gameplay is based on the one and only one recital. I was terribly bored. The session is a perfect combination of cool elements: shooting, romance, quest, intrigue, pursuit, ambush. All this topped with mechanics in reasonable doses, and in playing a joint action team.
That would be enough when it comes to concert wishes. Surely I might even dwell on the conventions and settingi I like and what not but in this case does not really matter. I can have fun at any session at any latitude, carried out at any convention provided that the Ministry will meet my humble request to the above list.
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