recently using the spare time I took to be keepin up with my backlog of film. The first one I looked two films about post-apocalyptic - the Way (The Road ) and the Book of Salvation ( The Book of Eli ). Both paintings, whose share is set in a broken world after the disaster, offering slightly different, less showy approach to the theme postapokalipsy.
film is about a father and son wandering through desolate areas of the United States. Disaster, which destroyed the world is not the most important thing here - we do not know who, how and why it has pressed the red button launching nuclear charges. For it has been strongly emphasized the consequences of that act. The world is plunged into agony. Animals and plants will not survive Armageddon, lacking water and food, there postatomowa winter. People degenerate, cannibalism became widespread. Any power structure collapsed and replaced it right violence and fear. This hopeless, dead world travels two heroes - the father and son. The film obviously plays on the emotions of the recipient. Melancholy, grief and feelings of hopelessness - the whole production is saturated with these feelings. The main characters are trying to preserve the remnants of humanity and dignity to die.
film unfortunately was not able to avoid one, usually a very annoying thing to me. The characters say they are quite exaggerated, and on the screen even gushes naivety and didacticism. The division is clear, black - White. From the top you know what they are good, and who the bad guys. It is obvious how to behave crystal character played by Viggo Mortensen, a model of virtue and correct conduct for his son. Decisions taken by the father will always be correct and accurate. The same seems to be one-sided presentation of the fate of fallen humanity, where the bad guys are represented by groups of armed cannibals. There is a lack of uncertainty and anxiety that accompanies a situation where the degeneration and collapse can affect every character, not just individuals from the top makers of feature films by well-placed to be the bad. Worse the whole movie is sprinkled with quite banal soundtrack.
Despite these shortcomings movie really worth seeing. The plot, the presentation of a fallen world and the atmosphere zaszczucia, melancholy and fear make it possible to call
rust color visualization of it, one of the conventions of the game in Neuroshimie proposed by the authors. Pain, suffering fallout and doomed to lose characters thrown into a hopeless world, placed at some point before the heroic, from their point of view of a challenge.
Paper Salvation
film set in a climate postapokalipsy and destroyed, the western United States. Here it traverses the wilds alone, Last Fair, bringing with it one of the priceless, the last surviving copies of the Bible.
This production is quite controversial for some combination of cinema entertainment and religious issues. From the standpoint erpegowego is this is one of the strongest pillars of the Book of Salvation. Not noticed that usually religion in the worlds of fantasy and science fiction postapo is usually shown in a very shortness, brief and simplified way? Typically, the authors ignore the role of faith settingów, treating it as an instrumental political factions or completely przemilczając. It is a pity because, religion in the game can be a tremendous driving force for both plot and character motivations of individual players.
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